Spoiler Alert: More is Not Necessarily Better

I gotta admit, I’m still SMH when I realize that we’re in the final chapter of 2022. It doesn’t seem possible. December is supposed to be a time of joy and celebration… but it seems like it’s becoming the time of stress and strain. It’s also the end of the year and that brings a long list of to-do’s to add to your gift-giving and party-going schedule.


So believe me, I’m not trying to heap more on your already overflowing plate. In fact, just the opposite. Hang with me for a minute here.


Our culture has conditioned us to believe that more is better. Spoiler alert: More is not necessarily better unless we’re talking about a select few things, like fine wine, charcuterie boards, dark chocolate, crawfish, books, laughing with friends, travel, ….


Okay well more IS better for a lot of things. But when it comes to setting yourself and your team up for success in 2023, I encourage you to be selective.


I always nerd out at this time of year. I’m all about living and leading on purpose, and not just doing the same ole, lame ole things on repeat. Unless you really want to just tread water and be in the exact same spot at this time next year. If so, then rock on with yo bad self.


Otherwise, I encourage you to dare to review this year a bit differently than you’ve done in past years.


You’ve probably heard of the Pareto Principle, otherwise known as the 80/20 Rule. This is a mathematical formula developed by Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto. (Look at me talking about math stuff. Mr. Bilello, my 10th grade Algebra teacher would be so proud!)


The Pareto Principle states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes. In other words, a small percentage of “causes” can have a disproportionately large “effect.” It’s important for you to understand this concept so that you can work smarter not harder and achieve maximum results.


Here are my suggestions:

  • Carve out some time. I know, impossible, right? But look, this investment of time on the front end will reap rewards on the back end. I know that if I sharpen my knife before I begin slicing cheese and meats for my aforementioned charcuterie board, my work will go faster and be more efficient. (Yeah, I’m kind of obsessed.)


  • Grab your calendar, a notebook or journal, and a beverage of your choice.


  • Now review your calendar and analyze your activities over the past year. (Note: that may be the only time you’ll ever hear me use the word analyze. It’s just not my jam.)


  • Note which activities resulted in the greatest outcomes. Which meetings were most productive? Which initiatives generated the best results? Which clients or customers generated the most revenue?


  • What worked well (and why)? What didn’t work so well (and why not)? Really be objective here.


You can apply this principle in reviewing your leadership practices, your exercise routine, your marketing, your parenting, your purchasing habits, and the list goes on. Of course, you can get the whole team involved and conduct an audit of your team or department’s activities over the past year as well. This can be pretty eye-opening and can actually be a kind of team-building activity.


Then, (and I’m pretty sure you know where we’re going here), you’ll want to figure out ways that you can bake more of those high-result-producing activities into your work and life in 2023. Likewise, you’ll want to jettison those low-result-producing activities/initiatives/services/clients that no longer serve you.


When it comes to releasing those activities that just aren’t producing results, it’s amazing how we’ll fight to keep them just because that’s the way we’ve always done things. But in the words of comedian Bob Newhart, “Stop it!”


I walk my coaching clients through an in-depth calendar audit based on their specific core values, mission, and purpose. We actually create a customized plan for how they’ll use their calendar and schedule to stay on track toward their goals and to make this process easier next time.


If you’d like to live and lead on purpose and by design rather than default, schedule a complimentary call with me and we’ll discuss how my coaching would benefit you. (BTW don’t put this off. Now is the time to set yourself up for success in 2023 and beyond!)


Regardless of how deep (or not) you go in your review of 2022, I’m a firm believer that we need to digest what we’ve ingested – in other words we need to learn the lessons from our experiences so we can continue to improve in all areas of life. Or else we’ll continue to be given opportunities to learn those lessons over and over again.


Trust me, this review process can be the best present you get this year.


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Jennifer Ledet, CSP, is a leadership consultant and professional speaker (with a hint of Cajun flavor) who equips leaders from the boardroom to the mailroom to improve employee engagement, teamwork, and communication.  In her customized programs, leadership retreats, keynote presentations, and breakout sessions, she cuts through the BS and talks through the tough stuff to solve your people problems.