People Pleasers are Liars

Buckle your seat belt because you may be offended by what I’m about to say…

If you’re a people pleaser, you’re a liar.

Sorry, not sorry.

I’m not usually one to call people out in such a direct way, but this may be the only way to get my point across. As a former president of People Pleasers Anonymous, I say this to my people-pleasing friends with great love and affection… My dear, sweet, sugar-coated friends, … being a people pleaser is just another way of being a liar!

Before you get your panties in a pinch, hear me out. You may think you’re doing everyone a favor by always saying “yes” and never rocking the boat, but in reality, you’re just hiding your true thoughts and feelings behind a saccharine smile and an artificial attitude.

The roots of people-pleasing go deep, but the sooner you can dig them out, the better.

I recently tackled a long-neglected flower bed where I had some beautiful lilies planted. The particular weed that had moved in had put down not only deep roots, but roots that wrapped around and intertwined with the roots of the lilies. 

This meant that I had to dig down deep, often digging up both the lily and the weed to untangle them. #funtimes

People pleasing is a weed that puts down deep roots in your life. Those roots may go all the way back to childhood and could stem from not wanting to disappoint parents or siblings or teachers. You might have started people-pleasing so you wouldn’t appear to be weak or incapable. Often these behaviors stem from deep feelings of insecurity.

I know this because I’ve been there. Got the t-shirt, shot glass, and scars to prove it, too.

And take it from one who knows, as painful as it is, I encourage you to put on your gloves, grab your shovel, and dig deep. Trust me, unless you really get those nasty roots outta there, those weeds will keep popping back up in all areas of your life.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and like you’re drowning in a sea of To-Dos, I’m willing to bet you’re a bona fide, card-carrying people pleaser.

So drop the act, sista!

The first person you need to stop lying to is yourself.

And you’re lying to those around you. 

And the thing is, if you agree to do something that deep down inside you really don’t want to do – you WILL come to resent it. You’ll resent the person who asked you to do it. And I’m pretty, pretty sure you won’t show up with a high vibe and a generous spirit.  

And worst of all, you may become a martyr. And martyrdom is NOT a good look on you, boo.

When you’re ready to be really honest with yourself…

Grab your journal and answer these questions:

  • What do I often say yes to when I really want to say no? How do I feel in my body when I do that?
  • Who do I typically have a hard time turning away when they ask for my help? How do I feel in my body when I do that?
  • Where do I think this need to please stems from?

Start noticing these moments in your life. As always, awareness gives you options.

All of this lying to yourself and taking on more than you should is a symptom of other issues, like failure to set healthy boundaries. We’ll be talking about that in upcoming videos.

Whether videos resonate with you, blogs, vlogs, or newsletters in your inbox, you can find all my links and resources here,

It won’t be easy. Remember, I never promised you a rose garden. But I can promise you that it feels good to live authentically and unapologetically.

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Jennifer Ledet, CSP, is a leadership consultant and professional speaker (with a hint of Cajun flavor) who equips leaders from the boardroom to the mailroom to improve employee engagement, teamwork, and communication.  In her customized programs, leadership retreats, keynote presentations, and breakout sessions, she guides leaders to live and lead by choice, not chance.