Women’s Leadership Collective: Flourish in the Face of Change

Hi Y’all, Jennifer Ledet here with some women’s leadership tips for ladies who want to live and lead by design, rather than default.


Well, it’s springtime here in south Louisiana, and the azaleas and amaryllis are in full bloom. Just the other day I got my granddaughters to “help” me plant an herb garden. As we planted the individual plants and seeds, I explained to them how we will need to take care of the plants – we’ll need to make sure they have the right environment to flourish.


And I was thinking that the same is true for us, as humans, and especially as women leaders. We need to have a supportive environment in order to flourish. 


It can be so easy to sleepwalk through life. To switch to autopilot. But I don’t think you want to do that. I know I don’t. 


I was just talking to a client and she was surprised when I mentioned that I have two coaches and I’m in two mastermind groups. I said, “Girl, don’t think I just roll out of bed having all the answers!” I have struggled with many of the same things my clients are struggling with and that’s why I created my business the way that I did. Because I wish I would’ve had the tools that I’m offering to clients today. And if you want more out of life,  if you want to be more intentional so that you can flourish, you’ve got to plant yourself in the right environment and get the right nourishment and support.


If you’re ready to flourish, then you need to check out my Women’s Leadership Collective. This is a virtual program designed especially for senior corporate leaders from Director to C-suite roles and for women business owners generating six figures or more. I like to call it a combo of group coaching and a mastermind group. Our theme for this cohort is Flourishing in the Face of Constant Change.


If you’re telling yourself that this isn’t a good time because you’re going through some tough challenges, then that’s exactly why you need to check this out NOW. Waiting until you’re through this particular challenge would be like waiting until it stops raining to open your umbrella. 


Now IS the perfect time to get in the right environment where you’ll get the support and nourishment you need. 


Because guess what? Spoiler alert: constant changes and challenges are here to stay. I’m not trying to be a Debbie Downer, I’m just being real. 


I am enrolling NOW to begin our new Women’s Leadership Collective in May of 2022. There are limited seats available, and I’ve already got some powerhouses signed up. So if you’re ready to get intentional – if you’re ready to get out of default mode or autopilot, so you can finally flourish in the face of constant change, click here to get all the deets.


This is a highly curated group of high-level leaders and membership is available by invitation and application only. You’ll want to complete your application and we’ll get a call on the calendar asap.


Until next time, ya’ll… be sure to intentionally plant yourself in an environment where you get the support and nourishment to flourish. 



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Jennifer Ledet, CSP, is a leadership consultant and professional speaker (with a hint of Cajun flavor) who equips leaders from the boardroom to the mailroom to improve employee engagement, teamwork, and communication.  In her customized programs, leadership retreats, keynote presentations, and breakout sessions, she cuts through the BS and talks through the tough stuff to solve your people problems.