Flourish Women’s Leadership Collective
Finally, a group for women executives… because you don’t HAVE to be lonely at the top!
Think this is for you, but not sure?
Are you…
- Overwhelmed and over it?
- Facing some big decisions and choices in your life (voluntary or involuntary)?
- Feeling just a leeetle bit unfulfilled and unsure if you're on the right path?
- Trying to find meaning in your work?
- Struggling to navigate the leadership team as the sole woman in the conference room?
The Pandemic and the storms we’ve been through have caused us to re-assess the way we live and work. The last thing anyone wants to do is slip back into the way we were living and leading “BC” – or Before Covid. But it can be really easy to find yourself.
Living the accidental life
But the truth is, if you don’t give attention to your own well-being and enjoyment (yes, enjoyment),
of work and life, you won’t be able to contribute to your organization (or anyone, period) at your highest and best level.
Fulfilled, On-Purpose People
Make Better Leaders
If you don't choose for yourself, someone else will choose for you!
I’m a testament to that.
For years, I trudged along in a role that wasn’t in alignment with my God-given gifts and talents. Like many people, I believed that my fulfillment would come with that next rung on the ladder. With that next promotion.
It wasn’t until I discovered that fulfillment is an inside job that I started to turn things around. I started to intentionally make different choices.
When I feel connected to my purpose and in alignment with my core values – my “non-negotiables” – I can bring the best of who I am to my team, to my organization, and to my family and friends.
And you can, too.
Imagine how you can transform your team when you’re helping each individual suss out and leverage their greatest strengths and assets.
Think about how you can have a greater positive impact on your organization and the world around you.
Create your life by choice, not by chance!
This is the time to be creative, the time to really invest in relationships, and the time to collaborate in new ways. When it’s all said and done, those who have been intentional about how they live and lead will flourish; those who haven’t will merely survive.
Flourish Women’s Leadership Collective
is a unique program designed as a dedicated space for women leaders to come together to share challenges and successes; a place for strategizing and developing tactics to heighten your focus and maximize your impact.
This isn’t about showing you what to do or how to do it, it’s about offering you a safe place to land for a bit, a place where you aren’t going to be judged, where you can figure stuff out with the support of a seasoned mentor and some really smart, savvy women.
Has there ever been a more urgent need for this than right now?
Flourish is for women who:
- Want to be more intentional in the way they live and lead
- Who are ambitious, but don’t want to sacrifice their soul, sanity, or relationships for their career
- Who are mid-career-ish (or beyond!) and want to live full out, regardless of their age and stage of life
- Have experience leading people, projects, and/or teams
In this revolutionary
program you can
expect to:
Gain fresh insights and perspectives
On how you can lean into your strengths to bring your best self to their work and make your highest and best contribution to your organization.
Be inspired
To integrate your values and your voice as you step up your leadership within the organization and community.
Benefit from the laser guidance
And expertise of a coach and mentor who will be there to keep members focused on goals, hold them accountable, provide feedback, share resources and ideas to stoke their thinking and motivation, and guide them through speedbumps and challenges.
Practice flexing your assertiveness muscles
And standing firm in handling the challenging situations that often come your way.
Be surrounded
By other like-minded, go getting women leaders who will have your back and offer you support, expertise, and guidance.
Shift from leading from default to leading by design
Be more intentional and less reactive with your responses to the things that come at you.
Up-level your confidence
So that you can present and speak to customers, prospective customers, members, and team members in an engaging and self-assured manner, which leads to customer and employee retention and engagement.
Manage your time more effectively
Delegate successfully, and work more productively with others – superiors, direct reports, peers, customers, and stakeholders
I've been honored to come alongside smart, savvy women.
I’ve been honored to come alongside some smart, savvy women through my Women’s Leadership Collective who are navigating these challenging times.
I love hearing success stories like Nancy’s:
I feel lucky to have been able to join the Women’s Leadership Roundtable (Collective) and have benefited greatly from a journey of discovery with my peers, facilitated by customized exercises that Jennifer has created in response to our specific areas of growth. It’s been a wonderful experience, tapping into some powerful wisdom from some amazing women.
Nancy Travis, Healthcare Tech Executive
I want that for you, too.
The question to ask yourself is “Where will I be a year from today if I don’t make some changes in the way I’m living and leading?
Here’s how the Women’s Leadership Collective works:
- 6-month membership
- 2 Virtual Semi-Monthly Roundtables (recorded if you can't join us live)
- Small number of women participants, committed to supporting, challenging, and cheering each other on
To learn more, schedule your complimentary discovery call
Sign up for our Special Report
The Best-Kept Secret of High Performing Teams
You’ll get the full report instantly when you sign up. PLUS, you’ll also receive People Solutions, my monthly ezine designed with you in mind. Each month, you’ll get beaucoup, (that’s Cajun for a LOT) of quick tips in your inbox to help you live and lead by design rather than default.