Leaders: Are You Learning Something Daily?

Leaders: Are You Learning Something Daily?

If you put into your body a steady diet of junk food, excessive amounts of alcohol, or harmful drugs, so will go the results you will see in your body. As leaders, (whether by title or influence), what you put into your mind will certainly affect your results.

Back in the day when we were required to take these painful computer science classes in college, I can remember the professor preaching that the computer could only deal with the data it was given. “So,” he said in a loud, commanding voice, “Garbage in, garbage out.” Of course, what he was basically saying is that if the data that you input is faulty, inaccurate, or incomplete, so will go your results.

Somehow, I learned this many years ago. I don’t remember anyone specifically telling me I should read personal development books, success principles from the “gurus”, or inspirational materials, but I began doing so early in my college days. Maybe I figured I really needed all the help I could get. I don’t know. But suffice it to say that this has been my daily practice for many years.

I do believe reading positive, uplifting, inspiring information every day has made me a better person. Not better than another person, just better than I was before. It’s the opposite of my professor’s admonition of “Garbage in, garbage out” philosophy.

I won’t say I’m not tempted to plop down on the sofa at night, flip on the “boob tube,” (boy, that term for the TV is more fitting today than ever!), and just veg out.  Although I frankly don’t find much of what’s on TV all that interesting or compelling. Which is good. Because I am much more compelled to pick up where I left off in reading that book, (or in my case, books, plural).

If you’ve attended one of my programs and even if you’ve read my blog and newsletters you probably know that I am an avid reader. I do get, however, that some people just don’t like to read. I think it’s blasphemy, but as my mama would say, “Different strokes for different folks.” That does not mean that you are restricted to a “mind diet” of junk TV, though.

Another practice I started several years ago is listening to audio programs and podcasts while I work out. Yes, it is now confirmed that I am a total nerd. I accept that. But, I will say, that listening to these audio programs helps me to focus on something other than the pain of working out and I leave the gym with my muscles aching and my brain on fire! It is an awesome way to begin my day! If you don’t like to read, or don’t have the time (really?), try downloading some audio books, teleseminars, or podcasts. If you go to iTunes, you’ll be amazed at how many are there and available for download for free.

On certain days when I’m feeling a little down and out, after reading something uplifting or listening to an inspiring message, my whole outlook is changed.

Of course, my way is not the only way for leaders to learn something daily. I have just found that this works for me and wanted to share in case it might help you. The point is that it’s important to learn a little each day – however you do that.

It’s up to you to control what you put into your body – and what you put into your mind.  Remember, positive input equals positive output!

What daily practices do you do that help you in the same way?

How are you learning each day? 

For some of my favorite reads on leadership and business visit my “Reading List.

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Jennifer Ledet, CSP, is a leadership consultant and professional speaker (with a hint of Cajun flavor) who equips leaders from the boardroom to the mailroom to improve employee engagement, teamwork, and communication.  In her customized programs, leadership retreats, keynote presentations, and breakout sessions, she cuts through the BS and talks through the tough stuff to solve your people problems.

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