Try These Women’s Leadership Tips to Avoid Burnout

Try These Women’s Leadership Tips to Avoid Burnout

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Hi Jennifer Ledet here. Welcome to THRIVE! Where I’ll be offering short women’s leadership video tips for women in leadership who want to amplify their influence to impact their results.

A while back, I felt myself approaching the crispy side of burnt out. I realized I was trying to be all things to all people, and honestly was failing miserably in all areas of my life. Maybe you’ve been there too.

I see this happening with coaching clients – sometimes men will have this issue, but I really see it most often with women in leadership. We’re trying to keep too many balls in the air – work, family, spouse/partner relationship, mayhaps caring for aging parents, friends, fun, and personal/professional development. For most of us, self-care is the first thing to go. And yet, if you fail to take care of you, you will definitely drop all the other balls.

It all goes back to the pre-takeoff instructions that you hear on any commercial flight reminding you that if the cabin should suddenly lose pressure, to put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others. You can’t help, guide, or lead anyone if you’ve passed out on the floor.

And you know this. I know you do. Practically every women’s publication is loaded with articles about the importance of self-care, and yet, we still often put ourselves last. Why? My guess is because on some subconscious level, we think we’re being selfish if we take some time for ourselves.

My mama used to say that

If Mama’s not happy, nobody’s happy.

And that can certainly be true if you’re a parent, but it’s also true in the workplace. If the leader isn’t healthy, the team isn’t healthy, and thus the organization isn’t healthy. Unhealthy organizations do not achieve their mission.

When this happened to me, I realized I needed to do for myself what I recommend to my clients – I needed to retreat. I needed to back slowly away from my desk and the overflowing email inbox and scrolling list of to-dos – and get away.

Taking some time away from the business to truly unplug, relax, and recharge my batteries is just what the doctor ordered. Getting away – even for a short time – and to a short distance away – from working IN my business allows me time to get refocused on working ON my business. I also urge you not to wait until you’re like I was and reaching the crispy side of burnt out before you plan your “retreat.”

So knowing that you’re possibly more susceptible to this as a woman in leadership, how can you be intentional about practicing self-care so that you can create a healthy, positive work culture and help your team and your organization achieve your mission? How can you be intentional about making this self-care, this time to recharge your batteries, a part of your weekly schedule?

If you find these tips helpful, be sure to subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss any future videos.

Attention ladies: If you could benefit from a community who gets you, who could help you, and support you through the challenges of being a leader, email me to hear more about my new program called THRIVE!

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Jennifer Ledet, CSP, is a leadership consultant and professional speaker (with a hint of Cajun flavor) who equips leaders from the boardroom to the mailroom to improve employee engagement, teamwork, and communication.  In her customized programs, leadership retreats, keynote presentations, and breakout sessions, she cuts through the BS and talks through the tough stuff to solve your people problems.