Leading in the Cone of Uncertainty

Leading in the Cone of Uncertainty

Cone of uncertainty

Growing up in south Louisiana, I’ve grown used to seeing the “spaghetti models” – those weather maps that depict all of the different possibilities for where a hurricane could make landfall. Naturally, storms can wobble just before they come ashore, rendering the areas surrounding the predicted landfall in the “Cone of Uncertainty.”

I think it’s safe to say that many of us feel like we’ve been living in the Cone of Uncertainty in 2020, regardless of where you live.

Leading during any type of turbulence is a challenge for sure. But in the same way that we prepare for a hurricane that may or may not come our way, we can manage to not only lead ourselves, but we can be a leader for our teams. 

Be informed.

If there’s a possibility that a hurricane could come my way, then I want to stay informed. But, it won’t do any good to sit in front of the TV all day watching Jim Cantore on the Weather Channel. 

In the same way, as a leader, you want to know what’s going on, so that you can be prepared, but, for the love of all that is holy, turn off the incessant news notifications! Put some boundaries between you and the noise of those Negative Nellies. 

Use this time to invest in your own development. Grow, learn, and develop your self-awareness. While this is not the time to be isolated, it is the time to be selective in who you surround yourself with. Hire a coach or join a mastermind group, but get the positive support you need.

Be responsible.

When a storm is coming, I can’t just passively sit and wait for someone else to usher me along a path or rescue me. I need to “storm prep,” to have a plan. 

None of us chose to go through many of these experiences, but you probably have way more agency in how you respond to this storm that you realized. After my work with Amazon recently, I’ve incorporated the 14 Amazon Leadership Principles into my programs.  These are principles to which all Amazon employees aspire, regardless of their current title or role. One of those core principles is Ownership. 

When you take ownership you literally think like you’re the owner of the company. You don’t wait for someone to “empower” you. You look at the big picture, the long view. You’re more focused on long-term value than short-term results. You act on behalf of the entire organization, rather than just focusing on your team or your own self-interests.

Be connected.

We see this with every major storm in our area. Neighbors checking on neighbors. People taking family members in to help them get through the crisis. It’s the right thing to do.

As a leader, while you don’t need to wait for someone to empower you, (and I know this will sound contradictory), you can always look for ways that you can be a help, a role model, or a mentor to others. 

Empowered people empower people. 

Reach out to team members and ask how they’re doing. Everybody’s going through “stuff” right now. Learn to really listen and offer support. Check in with your leader and see how you can support her. Be ready to take some things off her plate if you can. 

It’s just the right thing to do.

Leadership right now reminds me of some old oak trees that were growing in my happy place – Grand Isle, Louisiana. Those oak trees had been through more hurricanes than anybody could count, and they’d been blown by storm winds for so long, that they began to grow in the direction that the wind had blown them. 

I think we can take a lesson from those trees. Those trees didn’t break simply because they didn’t fight against the storms. They were flexible and bent with the wind. They weren’t uprooted because they had a strong root system and a strong foundation. 

As leaders, the more we are rooted in our core values and learn to adapt and grow, the more resilient and the stronger we’ll become.  

As you navigate through this Cone of Uncertainty, if you’d like a guide on the side to help you emerge from this time with greater clarity, courage, and confidence, let’s talk! Schedule your complimentary discovery call with me ASAP! 

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