Educational philosopher John Dewey once said,
“Children learn by doing. Adults learn by reflecting on what they’ve done.”
I know many in leadership roles want to just put 2020 solidly in the rearview mirror -and Ya’ll, I get it, I do – but if you’re a leader who’s committed to ongoing learning, I think you’d be wasting a huge opportunity to learn and grow by not opening this gift.
And yes it’s a gift. I know in many ways, it feels like it was a gift wrapped in sandpaper.
Have you ever had this happen? With all the hubbub of opening Christmas presents, have you ever thrown out a piece or part of a toy or gift as you were gathering up the wrapping paper?
It can be easy to do that with the gifts of 2020. But there are some good nuggets that we don’t want to throw away with the paper and bows.
So before you put the year completely behind you, I invite you to take some time to reflect. Get your journal, good old fashioned pen, and paper, or you can do this electronically if you prefer.
Heck, you could do this both on your own AND as a team exercise. Dang. That would be powerful and even fun!
You don’t need a ton of time, so you can’t use that as an excuse. And don’t merely read through the questions. Just do it!
Record your answers to these questions:
What were your most significant 2-3 accomplishments, breakthroughs or ah-has?
What were your greatest challenges?
What did you learn about yourself?
What did you learn about team members?
What did you learn about your team as a whole?
What did you learn about your clients, customers, or stakeholders?
My clients say that one of the best gifts that I give them is the opportunity and space to reflect. I did this recently with a team retreat that we created as a hybrid gathering – with some in-person in Louisiana and others who joined virtually from two other states. It was so gratifying to see the team come together and reflect, learn, and bond, even though we weren’t all physically in the same room.
Without taking the time to reflect, we’ll just keep on doing what we’ve always done, and of course, we’ll just keep getting the same ole, lame ole results. I don’t know about you, but I’m choosing to reflect, learn, and integrate the lessons so I don’t have to repeat them.
I’ll be your guide on the side to help you THRIVE through these unchartered territories rather than just survive. Schedule a complimentary discovery call here:
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Jennifer Ledet, CSP, is a leadership consultant and professional speaker (with a hint of Cajun flavor) who equips leaders from the boardroom to the mailroom to improve employee engagement, teamwork, and communication. In her customized programs, leadership retreats, keynote presentations, and breakout sessions, she cuts through the BS and talks through the tough stuff to solve your people problems.