Hurricane Ida Relief: What’s Really Going On

Hurricane Ida Relief: What’s Really Going On

blog image hurricane ida

Hi Ya’ll, 

Jennifer Ledet here with a different kind of message. You may be familiar with my Leadership Lagniappe and Thrive messages where I offer quick tips for leaders who want to lead by design rather than default. Today is a bit different because this time, instead of offering you a leadership strategy or tactic, I’m asking for your support.


As you probably know, I’m from South Louisiana – or as I always like to say – God’s country. Here in Lafourche parish and our neighbors, Terrebonne parish, we were hit harrrddd by Hurricane Ida. I have no idea what kind of media coverage this got, because we were without power for two weeks and internet and cable for three weeks. But I have no doubt that the media has long since moved on. 


The suffering down here continues. If you look at the aerial videos, it looks like a bunch of dollhouses, where you can peer in and see the kitchens and bedrooms. Unfortunately, those aren’t dollhouses, they’re the homes of people who have lost everything. It’s like their lives are all out in the open and it is heartbreaking. 


I’m very thankful that my family and I are fine. Like many people, we’ll need a new roof. Our summer home at Grand Isle, La – on the coast – is a total loss. As sad as I am about that, I am conscious of the fact that this was our second home, and many have lost their only home. 


The recovery will be long and slow. Some communities, like Grand Isle won’t have running water for another month and it’ll be a few months before they have power. They have to find alternate housing. 


I’m sharing all of this with you to bring awareness to this situation and to ask that if you’re in a position to help, please do so. We here in South Louisiana are known for helping our neighbors. After Katrina, we worked our faces off helping evacuees from New Orleans. After Lake Charles, Louisiana was hit by not one, but two hurricanes in a row, we gave generously of our time, talents, and treasures to help them recover. Heck after 911, we donated a brand new fire truck to the fire department of New York. 


So now, the people here could use some help. Associated Catholic Charities has multiple distribution sites where they’re giving out hot food – three meals a day – pantry items, as well as cleaning supplies, diapers, toiletries, and gasoline. They are also providing medical aid, since many hospitals were damaged and are still not up and running. They are partnering with Tide Loads of Hope, where residents can have their clothes washed.


If you’d like to donate in any way please go to donations will go directly to help the people in need In Lafourche and Terrebonne parishes, as well as Grand Isle, Louisiana.

I was always taught “To whom much is given, much is expected,” and so my husband and I have made a donation to this organization, as well. If you’re not in a position to donate, we’d sure appreciate it if you’d keep these people in your thoughts and prayers.


Until next time, ya’ll stay safe and stay sane!


Jennifer Ledet, CSP, is a leadership consultant and professional speaker (with a hint of Cajun flavor) who equips leaders from the boardroom to the mailroom to improve employee engagement, teamwork, and communication.  In her customized programs, leadership retreats, keynote presentations, and breakout sessions, she cuts through the BS and talks through the tough stuff to solve your people problems.