Leadership Strategies to Navigate Construction Zones and Orange Cones

Leadership Strategies to Navigate Construction Zones and Orange Cones

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It seems that everywhere I go here in south Louisiana, I see road construction, power and cable company workers, roofers, carpenters, and the list goes on. That’s because we’re all trying to recover and rebuild after Hurricane Ida’s destruction.


And even though I know that all of this work is necessary to rebuild and rebound, I still feel a tad impatient (if I’m honest), when I roll up to a construction zone. These traffic stops slow my progress. And part of the problem is that I can’t even picture the finished product.


I once saw a sign that read, “Thank you for your patience. The inconvenience is temporary, but the improvements will be permanent.”


While we’ll appreciate it once it’s done, going through the process can be a bit, well, messy.


Same can be true for a lot of things in life. When I’m working on a project, I’ve got research spread all over my desk. I’m digging through notes that I wrote two years ago, and I’m pulling books off the shelf. I’m not a neat freak by any stretch of the imagination, (okay maybe just a little), but having all that clutter visible just stresses me out. I usually dump everything into the project/document, pick up all of the books and clutter, then start to “chisel” – decide what will stay in and what will be cut out.


I’m uncomfortable with the clutter, but I know that I have to go through the messy middle so that I can come out with a high-quality outcome. I wouldn’t want to leave out one of those gems – one of those notes I wrote while in spinning class or while watching a movie. (Ever notice how your best ideas come to you in the most inconvenient moments?)


As you and your leadership team navigate around the orange cones and obstacles still lingering from the pandemic, you’re going to have to deal with piles of debris and stress. Silos and isolation are worse than ever, though, and if you want to reunite your team, you’ll need to endure a leeetle discomfort. Just remember that the inconvenience is temporary, but the improvements can be permanent.


There is a messy middle in hurricane recovery, construction, and taking your leadership team to the next level.

Here are a handful of tips that I’ve found can help to navigate the yucky stuff:


  • Get your team involved in creating a vision for the future. Allow them to weigh in so that they’ll have buy-in to the finished product.


  • Create the space for team members to engage in open dialogue, to be a bit vulnerable, and to build trust. This typically won’t happen in the normal work environment, but rather, needs to be held in a space and time carved out specifically for this. (Leadership Team Retreats are my jam! Give me a shout if you’d like to create one for your team.)



  • Get comfortable with uncertainty. You may be off-balance, anxious, and even dizzy from feeling like you’re on a roller coaster. Hold on tight, or if you’re really brave, put your hands in the air and lean into it. This is all normal.


  • Don’t go it alone. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Get support for yourself so that you can serve your team. Talk it through with a trusted friend, mastermind group, or coach/mentor.


  • Acknowledge the elephant in the room. It’s uncomfortable. Nobody is really grooving on the pain you’re going through. Talk about it.


  • Lighten up. For the love of all that is holy, don’t be so serious. Heck, find a way to bring some humor or fun into your team meetings. Levity is the great equalizer. When we can laugh together, we not only break the tension, we recognize that we are all human, we bond with other team members, and we are able to think more creatively.


  • Celebrate small wins. Bring King Cake to your next meeting. Acknowledge even tiny steps forward. Dole out a few “atta boys/atta girls.”


  • Keep moving. They say when you find yourself going through hell, keep going. Don’t stop. You gotta keep moving.

If you feel like you’re in the messy middle, know that you’re not alone. If you need support and guidance, give me a shout. I work with leaders and leadership teams to discover and leverage their assets, strengths, and talents, so that they can live and lead by design rather than default.



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Jennifer Ledet, CSP, is a leadership consultant and professional speaker (with a hint of Cajun flavor) who equips leaders from the boardroom to the mailroom to improve employee engagement, teamwork, and communication.  In her customized programs, leadership retreats, keynote presentations, and breakout sessions, she cuts through the BS and talks through the tough stuff to solve your people problems.

Photo by Raúl Nájera on Unsplash