Lead Yourself and Your Team Out of the Land of Stuck

Lead Yourself and Your Team Out of the Land of Stuck

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I think it’s fair to say we’ve all been in overdrive for the past two years, and many leaders feel like they’re in a weird in-between place and fresh out of ideas.  It’s understandable, after all, since we’ve been running on adrenaline for quite a while now.


And you needn’t beat yourself up about it. Regardless of the amount of experience you’ve had or how many years you’ve been at this – same for your team – this is a unique season in the world and no one has experience dealing with the kinds of challenges you’re dealing with.


So, as my Mama would say, “When you’re going through hell, keep going!” Don’t stop.


But I do understand the feeling of inertia, of being stuck, or especially of being overwhelmed. The truth is, those are all thoughts that we have about our situation. And the good news is we can choose to change the way we think about things.


Phew. Is that woo-woo enough for ya? Fear not. I’ve got some (fairly) logical, rational ideas to help you lead yourself and your team out of the Land of Stuck.


  • Conduct a SWOT Analysis. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. I work with leadership teams to conduct a SWOT Analysis for their organizations, and it’s extremely effective for taking stock of your current situation. But did you know that you can also do this for yourself personally? Why not? Give it a whirl. (And give me a call if you’d like me to help your leadership team through this process. It’s always best to have an outside professional facilitator’s help.)


  • Watch your words. You’ve got to be careful about how you talk to yourself. Oh wait. Am I the only one who talks to myself? Anyway, your words – and especially your thoughts – affect how you feel, which influences the action you take, which impact your results. As a leader, your thoughts are impacting your team and ultimately your results. How the team talks about projects, clients, meetings, etc. affects the action you all take and the results you get. (Ex: When you catch yourself saying, “I’ve GOT to do x,y,z,” instead say “I GET to do x,y,z.” Different energy, amirite?


  • Take action. Newton’s First Law states that a body at rest tends to remain at rest. A body in motion tends to stay in motion. So, you have to break the pattern. Take action. Even imperfect action. You can learn from missteps and course correct. But you’ll build up some momentum and raise everybody’s energy in the process.


  • Get still. Okay I know it may sound like I’m contradicting myself, but hey, what’s new? What I mean by this is give your brain a break from whatever it is you’re stewing about. Meditate if that’s your thing. What really works for me is getting out in nature. Go for a walk. Leave the earbuds at home and just appreciate the sights and sounds. Get near water – even a shower can work. Don’t be surprised if ideas start coming to you.


  • Take on a passion project.  Take on something you’re fired up about. This can be in your personal life or in your professional life, or with your team. I think a lot of people are suffering from a drop in adrenaline and are naturally in a depleted state. But if you can get involved in something exciting or interesting or, yes, challenging, you’ll literally be energized by the intense focus.


  • Lighten up. For the love of all that is holy, do something fun! Gather your team together for an offsite retreat. Break some bread together. Get to know one another again. Regardless of how well a team works, everyone needs to recharge their batteries periodically. We don’t let our phone batteries get run down and we shouldn’t let our teams get run down and burnt out either! And frankly, after being distanced and stretched during the upside-down time of Covid, teams need this now more than ever. Pick up my downloadable pdf here that unpacks the benefits and value of a team retreat and what you can expect.

I hope that these ideas help you and your team disrupt the routine and get out of a rut. I’d love to hear what you try and how it goes. If you need support and guidance, give me a shout. I work with leaders and leadership teams to discover and leverage their assets, strengths, and talents so that they can live and lead by design rather than default.


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Jennifer Ledet, CSP, is a leadership consultant and professional speaker (with a hint of Cajun flavor) who equips leaders from the boardroom to the mailroom to improve employee engagement, teamwork, and communication.  In her customized programs, leadership retreats, keynote presentations, and breakout sessions, she cuts through the BS and talks through the tough stuff to solve your people problems.


Photo by Aubrey Odom-Mabey on Unsplash