Ladies in Leadership: Don’t Should on Yourself

Ladies in Leadership: Don’t Should on Yourself


Hi Ya’ll, Jennnifer Ledet here with some points to ponder for women who want to live and lead by choice, not by chance.

Pardon my exuberance, but I am in a Mardi Gras state of mind. We’re in the middle of the Mardi Gras season here in south Louisiana. Mardi Gras day, or “Fat Tuesday.” is the culmination of the Mardi Gras season, and is a time for celebration, revelry, and often, indulgence.

Although folks in South Louisiana typically need no excuse for a party, Mardi Gras provides a time for everyone to come together, forget their differences, and celebrate with a certain abandon and “joie de vivre”. Everyone you meet is talking about their favorite King Cake, which parades they watched, what they caught, and what they ate and drank. Although most of the world pictures Mardi Gras as this wild, adult version of Spring Break gone wilder, most of Mardi Gras is actually just good wholesome fun filled with lots of family traditions.

Couldn’t we all use some celebration and festivity – especially in the workplace?

You know, my go-to is always to find the fun and festivity, to make work and projects more enjoyable. It’s just my nature.

But I can remember back in the day, as an up-and-coming leader, I wouldn’t even THINK about bringing my fun-loving self to work. Noooo.

I felt like I SHOULD be all serious – uptight and buttoned down.

I felt like I SHOULDN’T seek out ways to lighten the mood, to encourage people to talk about their families, or to make work more enjoyable.

I was SHOULDING on myself all over the place.

After all, our work is very important and very serious, right? I was literally denying a big part of who I am.

But it’s more than that. Fast forward, many years later, as I did lots of work in self-discovery and self-awareness, I came to understand that my joie de vivre is actually one of my greatest strengths, and to withhold that is to contribute less than my best to the organization.

As author Marianne Williamson said,

“Your playing small does not serve the world.”

Let me ask you:


Where have YOU been playing small?

Where have YOU been holding back?

I believe that you were made the way you are for a reason, and to deny the world your gifts is to cheat the world of the immense value that you have to offer.

Maybe as a kid you were given the message that you should be seen and not heard. So, now as an adult you’re hesitant to speak up in meetings, or to voice your opinion, or to buck the establishment.

Or maybe you have a creative or artistic leaning, but you were pushed to stick to more practical, logical work.

There are any number of ways this “holding back” can show up in your life.


Do some self-discovery work of your own!

I’d like to share an exercise I often use with my coaching clients. Simply carve out some quiet time where you won’t be interrupted. Grab a journal or a notebook and pen and maybe a beverage of your choice. The key to this exercise is not to edit your thoughts! Start writing and just let your pen go!

Ask yourself,


“What would I do if money and time were no object?”

I think you might be surprised at what comes up. Write until you feel like you’re complete.

After guiding clients through this exercise and others, they often mistakenly think that in order to honor their hidden desires or gifts they have to make big sweeping life changes.

But what I tell them is never underestimate the power of small, incremental changes.

Remember, small hinges open big doors.

I am on a mission to help women just like you live and lead by choice, rather than chance. I want to be the guide on the side to help you set yourself up for success on YOUR terms!

If this resonates with you, let’s talk! Schedule your complimentary clarity call with me today.

Until next time, Happy Mardi Gras, ya’ll!


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Jennifer Ledet, CSP, is a leadership consultant and professional speaker (with a hint of Cajun flavor) who equips leaders from the boardroom to the mailroom to improve employee engagement, teamwork, and communication.  In her customized programs, leadership retreats, keynote presentations, and breakout sessions, she guides leaders to live and lead by choice, not chance.