Well, it seems like everyone I talk to these days is going through something. It reminds of a vurry vurry old Saturday Night Live sketch with Gilda Radner, aka Roseanne Rosannadanna, who was famous for saying, “It just goes to show you it’s always something. If it’s not one thing, it’s another.”
Well, listen, don’t waste the experience!
Don’t just GO through it, GROW through it!
And to help you do just that, I want to tell you about the GROW Conference, put on by the Thibodaux Chamber of Commerce on June 13, 2024. This daylong conference will be a fantastic opportunity for women in south Louisiana and the Mississippi Gulf Coast, and all points east and west to come together learn, grow, network and recharge your batteries. Think personal AND professional development, rolled into one. Come prepared to be re-energized, laugh, and learn.
I’ll be sharing the platform with some Ah-mazing speakers and we’ll close out the day with the effervescent Amanda Shaw, who’s going to spread some of that south Louisiana Cajun flavor.
If you’re within driving range of Thibodaux, LA, you need to plan to attend. Heck, come the day before and spend the night, get some good Cajun food and hospitality! To get all the deets and to register, simply go to ThibodauxChamber.com –
I’ll look forward to seeing you on June 13th!
Until then, remember to live and lead by choice, not by chance!