It’s that time again for wellness check-ups and last week, I had my vision exam. I’ve been near-sighted since I was 12, so I know the drill. My eye doctor, Lisa, had me take out my contact lens and read the random letters on the screen, switching between lenses to see which was clearer.
I know you’re probably thinking: “Okay, Jen, but what’s this got to do with me?” Hang tight—I’m getting there.
A lot of women I talk to in mid-career or midlife mention they’re “going through something”—a challenge or an opportunity. Sound familiar? Maybe you’re supporting aging parents, preparing for an empty nest, or considering a career change. Like my friend says, she doesn’t want to reTIRE, she wants to reFIRE!
Whatever your situation, I encourage you to embrace an attitude of gratitude.
Now, I know some challenges are really tough, and I don’t want to minimize that. But if you’re watching this video or reading this post, you’ve got some blessings in your life. Everything might not be perfect, but there’s something to be thankful for. When you focus on what you appreciate, you find more things to appreciate.
Wayne Dyer said,
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
It’s like putting on a new pair of glasses. At first, you might squint a bit, but with practice, you’ll get better at seeing the positive.
This is about building a habit. Your brain tends to latch onto negativity like Velcro and let positivity slide off like Teflon—it’s just how we’re wired for self-preservation.
This might sound cliché, but give it a try. Start small.
Ask yourself:
- What or who am I grateful for? Make a list of three things. If you’re feeling down, list 20. Can’t come up with 20? Try 50. This helps you appreciate the little things. I do this every morning, and hot coffee often makes my list!
For challenges you face, ask:
- What is this here to teach me?
- What’s a possible silver lining in this experience?
- How will this make me stronger, smarter, or more resilient?
Give it a whirl—you might be surprised at how much better you’ll start to feel.
We’re all dealing with some kind of challenge or transition. If you’d like to have support, a sounding board, the wisdom of a coach and some smart, successful women who have your back, I’ve got you! My Live and Lead by Choice women’s community will do just that.
To learn more go to Live and Lead by Choice to see if LLC is a right fit for you.
I’d love to hear from you and what resonates with you.
Until next time, remember to live and lead by choice, not by chance!