Leadership 101: Lache Pas La Patate! (Don’t Drop the Potato!)

Leadership 101: Lache Pas La Patate! (Don’t Drop the Potato!)

This old Cajun adage is often quoted but maybe less often understood. A modern-day translation might read something like “Hang in there!” or “Finish strong!” The Cajun people and the people of South Louisiana have certainly endured tough times—numerous hurricanes, economic downturns, a damaging oil spill, and more. But we’re bouncing back better than ever. I believe this resiliency reflects the suffering and persecution of the Cajuns who lived through the Grand Derangement when they were exiled from Nova Scotia.

Today, the saying lache pas la patate has become a testament to the resiliency and enduring spirit of the Cajun people. As a leader, you can take a page from the Cajuns’ lache pas la patate playbook by emphasizing these characteristics:

Values. Cajuns are known for their strong family and community values. During difficult times, everyone comes together and helps each other. In the face of adversity in your business, organization, or industry, do you hold firmly to the values and beliefs that got you where you are? Don’t compromise them!

Courage. Someone has to make the courageous decisions. After all, making inconvenient, uncomfortable, and unpopular decisions are why you’re paid “big bucks.” Do you bury your head in the sand or grab the bull by the horns? Remember that by making no decision, you are, in effect, making a decision.

Integrity. Integrity and trust form the foundation of great leadership. If people believe they can’t trust you in one area, then they can’t (and won’t) trust you at all. Are you doing what you say you’ll do and fulfilling your commitments?

Commitment. In good times and bad, your team needs a committed leader who won’t throw in the towel. Obviously. But your team also needs a leader who won’t waver, doubt, or question the mission and purpose of the organization and his or her role within the organization. Are you constantly flirting with second thoughts, or are you holding firm to your mission?

Optimism. Like the Cajun people, great leaders deal in hope and optimism. People believe that you’re in the know. If you spout gloom and doom instead of projecting optimism about the future, people will assume that you have a good reason for being negative. Yes, your attitude has a tremendous effect on those around you. What kind of outlook—pessimistic or optimistic—are you presenting?

Joie de vivre (love of life). Cajuns need no excuse for a party. It’s this spirit of fun, lightheartedness, and joie de vivre that gets ’em through the tough times with their sanity intact. Are you creating an environment that’s serious, even melancholy or miserable? Or have you set up one of camaraderie and celebration that people enjoy? Remember, you set the tone—for better or worse.

Yes, once you know the story of the remarkable Cajuns, you understand their indomitable spirit and ability to not just cope but thrive through challenging times. How can you lache pas la patate?

To learn more Cajun wisdom to spice up your leadership, check out the full recipe in “Lead, Follow, or Get Me the Hot Sauce.”

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Jennifer Ledet, CSP, is a leadership consultant and professional speaker (with a hint of Cajun flavor) who equips leaders from the boardroom to the mailroom to improve employee engagement, teamwork, and communication.  In her customized programs, leadership retreats, keynote presentations, and breakout sessions, she cuts through the BS and talks through the tough stuff to solve your people problems.

Photo by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash