Leading with Clarity, Courage, and Confidence

Leading with Clarity, Courage, and Confidence

Leading with Clarity Courage & Confidence (1)

After presenting to the Women of Amazon, I couldn’t help but write this follow-up article to wrap up and debrief on the leadership strategies we discussed, to provide both YOU and the participants some leadership guidance and key takeaways: 

I’ve always loved to travel and even though we can’t explore as much as we might like, we CAN look at this time as a journey – to discovering how we can lead more authentically with clarity, courage, and confidence. 

Using our journey metaphor, the first thing you’d want to do if you were going on a trip is to research and really get clear on where you are currently and the place that you want to go. 

In the same way, as a leader, you need to develop self-awareness. It’s about understanding what makes you – you – and how you can be a better you. Identifying your core values is super important if you want to gain this clarity. 

Just as you would use the filters on a search engine to narrow down your choices, think about your values as life filters. They are the search criteria that help you clarify your priorities. Every decision and choice can be measured against your core values to let you know whether or not you’re on the right path.

Next, we talked about developing the courage to take action. Many people think that they’ll take action once they have courage, but it’s the other way around. Courage shows up AFTER you’ve taken action. Commit to taking one small action today that will move you forward.

You can be timid and operate from fear, seeing yourself as a victim, and just wait for someone to give you permission, or you can step up, take action, and unleash all of your feminine leadership qualities to guide your team through these rough waters. 

AND, while this may seem contradictory, although we shouldn’t wait for someone else to “empower” us, we can always look for ways that we can be a help, a role model, or a mentor to others. 

Empowered women empower women. 

Lastly, we explored how you’ll build confidence with each new adventure. Just as you’ll develop courage with each action step you take, confidence will come with competence. Like a muscle – the more you use it, the more you develop it and the stronger you become.

Remember a pilot doesn’t just pick a spot on the map one time and then hope she ends up at the right airport. She makes constant adjustments the entire flight to make sure she stays on track. You’ll need to do the same. 

As you go along your journey, you’ll learn a thing or two from your experiences. You’ll use the feedback that you get and apply them in other situations. In other words you’ll develop resourcefulness.

This is a process that builds…

Clarity creates courage and courage develops confidence.

The more you’re able to lead with clarity, courage, and confidence, the more your authentic self will shine through. And I believe with all my heart that the world needs you to show up as your true, authentic self – now more than ever!


I’ll be your guide on the side to help you THRIVE through these unchartered territories rather than just survive. Schedule a complimentary discovery call here: https://calendly.com/jennifer-ledet

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Jennifer Ledet, CSP, is a leadership consultant and professional speaker (with a hint of Cajun flavor) who equips leaders from the boardroom to the mailroom to improve employee engagement, teamwork, and communication.  In her customized programs, leadership retreats, keynote presentations, and breakout sessions, she cuts through the BS and talks through the tough stuff to solve your people problems.