Juggling the Balls of Women’s Leadership: What Are You Dropping?

Juggling the Balls of Women’s Leadership: What Are You Dropping?

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Hi Ya’ll, Jennifer Ledet here and I have a confession to make. I’m Catholic and you know we’re all about confession. Well, I need to be completely honest…I stink at juggling! 

Yeah, no way I’m throwing these balls all at the same time and keeping that up. Two maybe. One maybeeeee , but I can’t even guarantee that. But that’s not juggling. That’s playing ball with my dog. 


I know that juggling is hard because I’ve tried to do it for soooo many years. I’ll bet you have too.


Oh I don’t mean juggling tennis balls. Mais cher, juggling tennis balls would literally be a piece of cake compared to the juggling I’m talking about.


I’m talking about, as a woman leader juggling:

  • A workforce that’s been dispersed and distanced
  • Navigating the leadership team as the sole woman in the room – whether real or virtual
  • Short-term strategies and long-term goals for your organization
  • Supporting family members through difficulties – hello? Can you say spouse, children, grandchildren, AND perhaps aging parents?
  • And then, of course, your own career, life vision, and well-being

Let’s be real… Juggling all of this is still harrrrdddd!


And in that juggling scenario, I can guess which of those balls is hitting the ground. Amirite?


Let me just tell you, you’re not alone, my friend! 


So many women execs at the top of their organization or running their business are juggling, struggling, and finding that their own needs and goals are falling by the wayside.


BUT the truth is, if you don’t give attention to your own well-being and enjoyment (yes, I said enjoyment) of work and life, you will NOT be able to contribute to your organization at your highest and best level. 


If this sounds like you, I want to invite you to a special The Juggle is Real Roundtable Discussion designed especially for senior corporate leaders from Director to C-suite role and for women business owners generating six figures or more. 


I’m bringing together select women executives to have a candid conversation about what’s really going on and what you can do to maintain your sanity.


So here are the details:


The Juggle is Real Roundtable Discussion

Friday, March 18th at Noon CDT


Participation is free, but you do need to register to get the Zoom link. Since this will be a conversation and not a webinar or training, we’ll want you to have your camera on so that we can all interact. Heck, feel free to munch on your lunch while we chat if you’d like!


To Register, go to JenniferLedet.com/Roundtable


Come join us for some thought-provoking conversation. This isn’t about showing you what to do or how to do it, it is about offering you a safe place to land for a bit, a place where you are not going to be judged, where you can figure stuff out.

Hope to see you on March 18th.

Until then, ya’ll stay safe and stay sane!