Executive team leadership doesn’t just happen.
It’s Cultivated.
Let Me Show You How
Well, I guess we can just throw out the playbook. In this “wild new world of work,” the way we were working just won’t cut it any more.
Your team in 2023 is not the same as it was in 2020 – literally and figuratively. You’ve been through The Great Resignation – The Big Quit.
There are new faces around the conference table. Those who’ve stuck it out through the Pandemic aren’t the same people they were in 2020.
Heck, you’re not the same person you were “BC,” or Before Covid. How can you bring them all together to achieve their potential?
The fact is that if you want to get back to bidness and make up for lost time, you’ll need to make some changes in the way you operate.
Is Your Executive Leadership Team
Feeling More Like a Group of Individuals
than a Team?
- Is their performance good, when you know that it could be great?
- Do they spend more time talking ABOUT each other than they do talking TO each other?
- Are your team meetings uneventful, with very little discussion?
- Do your team members just need to get refreshed, re-energized, and discover a newfound clarity around their common purpose?
Whatever your situation, chances are your leadership team could use some extra oomph to really take your organization to the next level.
That’s where I come in. With my leadership retreats, teambuilding workshops, and private coaching programs, you’ll be able to give your organization the boost it needs to soar to new heights.
The most successful leadership teams, (like any professional athlete or performer), know that they need a coach.
I’ll work with your leadership team to help them discover new, more effective ways of working together, and serve as your guide as you develop even stronger communication strategies.
I help your team all roll in
the same direction.
When an executive leadership team is spinning in different directions to the detriment of the organization, I teach them how to really work together.
In a non-threatening way, I can discuss issues that can’t be easily addressed by in-house staff.
The result? A more cohesive, self-aware team that works together to achieve more company growth.
Let’s have those crunchy conversations
You know the conversations your team members don’t want to have? The ones they really need to have? I call them crunchy conversations.
Through exercises and a non-threatening approach to conflict resolution, I suss out the problems, address them, and move your team past them.
These conversations help team members understand themselves, each other, and why the team behaves the way it does.
It’s essential for creating permanent change!
Leaders who are using and leveraging their strengths and who are operating in alignment with their mission and core values, feel more fulfilled, engaged and will be able to contribute their best to the organization. In short, fulfilled humans make better leaders.
It’s a win/win.
Overview of How The Process Works
Schedule a Consult
Let’s talk through your leadership team issues and find a solution
Work With Your Team
Teach them how to work together to benefit themselves and the growth of the company
More Cohesive Team Performance
Productivity and engagement grows!