I know that it’s no coincidence that you landed here. You’re searching for and seeking something different. Here in south Louisiana, we’d say you have an envie – which is just a Cajun way of saying you have a “craving” for a new and better way to live and lead.
Maybe you…
- Paused during the pandemic and re-assessed your career and work choices and you're feeling the pull toward more meaning and fulfillment in your life.
- Are tired of the “Juggle Struggle” (career/family/life) sucking your soul and stealing your sanity.
- Suddenly find yourself with an empty nest after the kids have graduated or flown the coop.
- You often feel burned out and wonder how you can get out of the hustle and grind.
- Would love to have more fun, art, travel, hobbies, and relationships in your life.
- Are trying to figure out how to best support aging and declining parents without losing your own zest for life.
- Could really use some different perspectives, support, a sounding board, a listening ear, a cheering squad, a few laughs, or to feel the gratification of being those things to others as you create and deepen friendships.
- Would like to RE-FIRE instead of RETIRE and embark upon a new chapter of your life.
- Are at an age, stage, and season of life where you'd like to be intentional about the legacy you create with career, service, children, grandchildren, and volunteering.
The Pandemic and the storms we’ve been through have caused us to reassess the way we live and work. The last thing anyone wants to do is slip back into the way we were living and leading “BC” – or Before Covid.
And it can be really easy to find yourself living the accidental life.
But the truth is, if you don’t give attention to your own well-being and enjoyment (yes, enjoyment), of work and life, you won’t be able to contribute to your organization (or anyone, period) at your highest and best level.
Create your life by choice, not by chance!
This is the time to be creative, the time to really invest in relationships, and the time to collaborate in new ways. When it’s all said and done, those who have been intentional about how they live and lead will flourish; those who haven’t will merely survive.
Introducing Live and Lead by Choice
This is a unique program designed as a dedicated space for women professionals to come together to share challenges and successes; a place for strategizing and developing tactics to heighten your focus and maximize your impact.
This isn’t about showing you what to do or how to do it, it’s about offering you a safe place to land for a bit, a place where you aren’t going to be judged, where you can figure stuff out with the support of a seasoned mentor and some really smart, savvy women.
Has there ever been a more urgent need for this than right now?
Live and Lead by Choice is for women who:
- Want to be more intentional in the way they live and lead
- Who are ambitious, but don’t want to sacrifice their soul, sanity, or relationships for their career
- Who are mid-career-ish (or beyond!) and want to live full out, regardless of their age, stage or season of life
- Have experience leading people, projects, and/or teams and want to have more meaning and fulfillment in their lives

I love hearing success stories like Nancy’s:
I feel lucky to have been able to join the Women’s Leadership Roundtable (Collective) and have benefited greatly from a journey of discovery with my peers, facilitated by customized exercises that Jennifer has created in response to our specific areas of growth. It’s been a wonderful experience, tapping into some powerful wisdom from some amazing women.
Nancy Travis, Healthcare Tech Executive
I Want That For You, Too
Fulfilled, On-Purpose People Make Better Leaders

In this revolutionary
program you can
expect to:
Benefit from the laser guidance
And expertise of a coach and mentor who will be there to keep members focused on goals, hold them accountable, provide feedback, share resources and ideas to stoke their thinking and motivation, and guide them through speedbumps and challenges.
Practice flexing your assertiveness muscles
So you stand firm in handling the challenging situations that often come your way.
Be surrounded
By other like-minded, go-getting women leaders who will have your back and offer you support, expertise, and guidance.
Gain fresh insights and perspectives
So you can lean into your strengths to bring your best self to your work and make your highest and best contribution to your organization.
Shift from leading from default to leading by design
So you can master clear and present decision-making instead of reacting to the things that come at you.
Up-level your confidence
So that you can present and speak to customers, prospective customers, members, and team members in an engaging and self-assured manner, which leads to customer and employee retention and engagement.
Manage your time more effectively
Delegate successfully, and work more productively with others – superiors, direct reports, peers, customers, and stakeholders
Be inspired
To integrate your values and your voice as you step up your leadership within the organization and community.
Here’s What Alli Had to Say:
Membership in the group has been an incredible place to work through some issues holding me back professionally and personally. This group is a unique opportunity for professional women to get some outside assistance and different perspectives from other female leaders.
- Alli McEntyre Gaharan, Executive in Event and Exhibit Management
The question to ask yourself is…
“Where will I be a year from today if I don’t make some changes in the way I’m living and leading?”
Here’s how Live and Lead by Choice Works:
- 6-month membership
- 2 Virtual Semi-Monthly Roundtables (recorded if you can't join us live)
- Unique combination of group coaching and mastermind group
- Exclusive access to a private Facebook forum to connect, share, and grow with your fellow LLC mates. You can feel confident posting questions, asking for feedback, sharing resources, creating collaborative opportunities, making referrals, and much more.
- Voxer access to Jennifer where you can pose questions, send a picture, screenshot, link to something or send a quick text.
- Small number of women participants, committed to supporting, challenging, and cheering each other on.
Investment for your 6-month membership: $1,800 (or, if you prefer, $300/month)
Personal and professional development on steroids: Priceless!
Find out how Live and Lead by Choice will help you to up-level in all areas of your life Let’s talk!
If You Don't Choose For Yourself, Someone Else Will Choose For You!
I’m a testament to that.
For years, I trudged along in a role that wasn’t in alignment with my God-given gifts and talents. Like many people, I believed that my fulfillment would come with that next rung on the ladder. With that next promotion.
It wasn’t until I discovered that fulfillment is an inside job that I started to turn things around. I started to intentionally make different choices.
When I feel connected to my purpose and in alignment with my core values – my “non-negotiables” – I can bring the best of who I am to my team, to my organization, and to my family and friends.
And you can, too.
Imagine how you can transform your team when you’re helping each individual suss out and leverage their greatest strengths and assets.
Think about how you can have a greater positive impact on your organization and the world around you.

Create Your Life By Choice, Not by Chance!
In Carly’s words…
I can only imagine how difficult the 2 years of the pandemic would have been without Jennifer’s women’s community! Having the ability to be open with things I can’t share with peers has helped me grow personally and professionally. I’ve truly enjoyed the relationships developed in our group and all of the wisdom shared has been invaluable. Jennifer does a great job facilitating enlightening discussions that result in personal and professional growth all while having a lot of fun!
- Carly Leonards, Chief Financial Officer
Don't leave this next chapter to chance.
You get to choose.
If you want to live this next chapter of your life – whatever that is for you – with purpose, then you need to get intentional. Because success on your terms doesn’t just happen by accident. You’ll need to get clear on how you want to feel, who you want to be, and what you want to do, and then choose to take action to get you there.
Ginger said this:
Focusing on ongoing growth, building stronger relationships, and opening my eyes, mind and heart to new and different perspectives are just a few of the ways Jennifer’s group has enriched my life.
-Ginger Laurent, CEO, LA Bankers Association
If you’re ready to take the next step, let’s talk!
Take it from Britni:
I love the way we have been able to connect and have real open discussions. Listening to the different insights from everyone and the positive outlooks has opened my eyes to seeing how more fulfilling my life can become with a little self-reflection and adjustments. You’ve helped me to reflect on how I view myself and what is most important to me. I'd never thought about my individual core values and what my essential needs are until now. This has been an opportunity to better myself and in turn, become a more effective leader!
- Britni Lacour, Executive VP/CFO
Live and Lead by Choice is a unique program in that it’s personal AND professional development on steroids! Think of it as group coaching and a mastermind group rolled into one.
Many women want to make changes in their lives but …
Let’s be honest, making changes can be a leeetle scary. Think about this, though: small hinges can open big doors.
Most people underestimate the power of small incremental adjustments. You don’t have to make big sweeping changes like quitting your job or relocating to another city to be a great leader or to live a life that brings you joy and fulfillment.
Making changes in your life so that you can show up as your BEST self in ALL areas can be easy when you’ve got a guide on the side and the support of others.