You’ve probably thought about branding as it relates to your company or organization and its products and services. But what about your leadership brand?
You may be thinking, “Jen, I’m not a business and I don’t need a brand.” Fair enough.
But whether you realize it or not, you have a leadership brand. The question is, have you created it by design or was it created by default?
It’s a fact that everything you do is either contributing to or taking away from your leadership brand.
I think of a leadership brand as simply how people perceive you. How do they feel after an experience with you? What do people say about you after you’ve left the room? Your leadership brand encompasses all of these things and is really about how you consistently (or inconsistently) show up.
By building your personal leadership brand – intentionally and with purpose – you can tell your story in a way that highlights the skills, qualities, and value that you bring to the organization so that you can stand out for all the right reasons.
One of the benefits of crafting your leadership brand is that you are teaching people how to perceive you. No, we can’t control what people think, but we can influence how they see us. Think about Oprah or Kim Kardashian. Love them or hate them, these two women have carefully and intentionally built their brands.
You, too, can be very intentional in crafting your leadership brand in a way that’s authentic and true to you while serving the highest good for all.
Where do you begin?
When working with clients to create their leadership brand, we’re not pulling something out of thin air. I don’t think of it as putting in what was “left out” of them as a leader. Rather, I think of it as drawing out what was “left in.”
So, ironically, the first step in designing your leadership brand – to influence how others perceive you – is going within.
Identify what makes you unique. You weren’t put on this earth to be like everyone else. You are a unique human being and have tremendous value to offer. But often leaders are so busy trying to fit in, to conform, or to be like someone else, that they never actually get to make their highest and best and most unique contribution.
So get clear on what makes you you, and determine how you can show up as your best self. Identify your strengths, gifts, talents, your energetic presence, and your core values.
Now, let’s hit the pause button for a minute. For you logical, linear, left-brain thinkers, I can hear your eyes rolling as I write this. I’m sure this feels fluffy and woo-woo to you, but I promise, doing this inner work is needed to get those external results. I’d suggest working with a coach to do this so she can hold up a mirror to help you to see your own blind spots.
Cast your vision.
What would your ideal, authentic, leadership brand look like? Decide how you’d like to be perceived by others. How do you want to show up for others on your team, in your community, and with your family and friends? You can’t compartmentalize your life. How you do one thing is how you do everything. So, it all adds up to your brand.
What kind of energy do you want to project? How do you want people to feel after you’ve left their presence? Drained or energized? How do you express your leadership competencies? Do you inspire confidence or breed fear and distrust?
Write out what you want your leadership brand to look like. This way, you can align your actions and behaviors with how you want to be perceived.
Become obsessed with assessment.
I always debrief with a client after I’ve spoken at a conference or facilitated a team retreat to get their feedback. It’s about honing my craft and always improving. Ask team members for feedback on a regular basis.
Another important tactic is to assess yourself after important interactions or meetings. Honestly rate yourself – how did you show up and how well did your actions align with your brand identity? Make self-assessment a habit.
It’s your choice.
Here’s what I’ve come to learn… you can either create your brand, or other people will create it for you. You can live a life that you have chosen and designed, or you can live a life that shows up by default, where you feel like it’s happening to you.
Personally, I want to be intentional and on purpose in all of my work and interactions so that I can use my God-given gifts and talents to positively impact the world. If you’d like to do that too, and if you’d like some help in designing your leadership brand, let’s talk! Go to to schedule a complimentary clarity call with me today.
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Jennifer Ledet, CSP, is a leadership consultant and professional speaker (with a hint of Cajun flavor) who equips leaders from the boardroom to the mailroom to improve employee engagement, teamwork, and communication. In her customized programs, leadership retreats, keynote presentations, and breakout sessions, she cuts through the BS and talks through the tough stuff to solve your people problems.