Are You Looking for Lucky Beans as a Leader?

Are You Looking for Lucky Beans as a Leader?

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Well looky looky what I have. This, my friends, is the rare and ever elusive Lucky Bean. My husband found this during our walk on the beach this morning.

I’m a fanatic for lucky beans, and I’m so touched that he immediately gave it to me. Since I’m crazy about them, it seems like I would have been the one to spot it, right? But the thing is, this isn’t the time of year that they usually wash up on the shore at Grand Isle, Louisiana. So I wasn’t expecting to find one and thus I wasn’t even looking for a lucky bean today.

I’m choosing to use this lucky bean as a reminder to be intentional about what I’m on the lookout for. Because you know, Mon amie, what you look for, you will find.

So what does this have to do with you as a leader? Well, this can be an important tool, not only for you as a leader, but as a human.

What I mean is, maybe it’s time for you to take a look at, well, how you’re looking at things.

Here are a few points to ponder:

Wayne Dyer said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.”  Are you looking for and expecting great things from your team members, or are you poised and ready to pounce on them for any tiny misstep?

Every person you meet can be your teacher or your student – regardless of their role or yours. If you are open to learning from each person, how might that change the way you perceive them and interact with them?

In Economics, the term ‘appreciation’  refers to an increase in the value of an asset.

Don’t be a tete dur. Tete dur means hard head, or someone who won’t see things any other way. As you look at the work of your team, be willing to challenge your paradigms – the “way you’ve always done things.” – Your assumptions, especially about how things need to be done. Focus on the “what” that needs to get done and be open to the “how” it is done. (Do all employees need to be in the office the exact same hours every day or would it be possible to offer a more flexible work schedule?) Ask “What assumptions am I/are you making? What are the facts?”

Zoom out. It can be easy to get lost in the weeds, in the day-to-dayness of work. Review for yourself – and communicate to your team members – the bigger picture. Ask “Where, how, and why does my/her work contribute to the success of the organization as a whole?

Zoom in. Seems contradictory, but at times, it helps to get in close, to the granular, nitty-gritty level to determine what is the best way to do a task. Ask, “How can we set up each team member for success and maximize everyone’s most productive time of day?”

These are techniques that you can use with team members, as well as yourself. Okay, that last part can sometimes be tough. That’s why behind most successful athletes and leaders is a coach who can pose these questions, challenge assumptions, and hold them accountable. If you’d like help with this, schedule a complimentary discovery call with me to discuss how coaching can help you and/or your team to get unstuck.


  • What assumptions are you or team members making that could be getting in the way of your success?
  • How might you adjust your perspective to see things in a more positive light?

Pop a comment below and share your answers with me. I would love to continue the conversation.


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Jennifer Ledet, CSP, is a leadership consultant and professional speaker (with a hint of Cajun flavor) who equips leaders from the boardroom to the mailroom to improve employee engagement, teamwork, and communication.  In her customized programs, leadership retreats, keynote presentations, and breakout sessions, she cuts through the BS and talks through the tough stuff to solve your people problems.